Results for 'Pete Van de Craen'

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    Schizophrenia, communication and the hemisphericity hypotheses.Pete Van de Craen, Brigitte de Decker & Jos Peuskens - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal.
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    Cognitive, Emotional, and Psychosocial Functioning of Girls Treated with Pharmacological Puberty Blockage for Idiopathic Central Precocious Puberty.Slawomir Wojniusz, Nina Callens, Stefan Sütterlin, Stein Andersson, Jean De Schepper, Inge Gies, Jesse Vanbesien, Kathleen De Waele, Sara Van Aken, Margarita Craen, Claus Vögele, Martine Cools & Ira R. Haraldsen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    De harde kern van de westerse metafysica: een historisch-thematische en kritische studie.Jozef van de Wiele - 1986 - Leuven: Acco.
    Samenvatting van de grote wijsgerige systemen van Plato tot en met Hegel, gevolgd door een kritische analyse van de metafysica als uitingsvorm van westers intellectualisme.
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  4. L'engagement a l'etre.A. De Craene - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52:628.
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  5. De la spiritualité de l'ame. T. I.G. de Craene - 1898 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 46:80-82.
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    Dagboek van een verdoofd rabbijn: persoonlijke notities bij een politieke aardverschuiving.Lody B. Van de Kamp - 2012 - Zoetermeer: Uitgeverij Boekencentrum.
    Beschouwing door de rabbijn over het wetsvoorstel om onverdoofde, rituele slacht te verbieden, gezien als een aantasting van de vrijheid van godsdienst van zowel joden als moslims.
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  7. Investigating ethical issues in engineering design.Ibo van de Poel - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (3):429-446.
    This paper aims at contributing to a research agenda in engineering ethics by exploring the ethical aspects of engineering design processes. A number of ethically relevant topics with respect to design processes are identified. These topics could be a subject for further research in the field of engineering ethics. In addition, it is argued that the way design processes are now organised and should be organised from a normative point of view is an important topic for research.
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  8. In de ban van de metafysica.Smart En Armstrong van de IdentiteitstheorieënPlace - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71:553-575.
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  9. L'abstraction intellectuelle.G. De Craene - 1902 - Philosophical Review 11:82.
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    Understanding Technology-Induced Value Change: a Pragmatist Proposal.Ibo van de Poel & Olya Kudina - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (2):1-24.
    We propose a pragmatist account of value change that helps to understand how and why values sometimes change due to technological developments. Inspired by John Dewey’s writings on value, we propose to understand values as evaluative devices that carry over from earlier experiences and that are to some extent shared in society. We discuss the various functions that values fulfil in moral inquiry and propose a conceptual framework that helps to understand value change as the interaction between three manifestations of (...)
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    The Pre-Psychoanalytic Writings of Sigmund Freud.Gertrudis Van de Vijver & Filip Geerardyn (eds.) - 2002 - Karnac Books.
    Gertrudis van de Vijver and Filip Geerardyn This book was conceived in the wake of an international congress on Sigmund Freud's pre-analytic writings, ...
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    Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies: An Introduction.Ibo van de Poel (ed.) - 2023 - Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers.
    Technologies shape who we are, how we organize our societies and how we relate to nature. For example, social media challenges democracy; artificial intelligence raises the question of what is unique to humans; and the possibility to create artificial wombs may affect notions of motherhood and birth. Some have suggested that we address global warming by engineering the climate, but how does this impact our responsibility to future generations and our relation to nature? This book shows how technologies can be (...)
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    Visual affects: Linking curiosity, Aha-Erlebnis, and memory through information gain.Sander Van de Cruys, Claudia Damiano, Yannick Boddez, Magdalena Król, Lore Goetschalckx & Johan Wagemans - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104698.
    Current theories propose that our sense of curiosity is determined by the learning progress or information gain that our cognitive system expects to make. However, few studies have explicitly tried to quantify subjective information gain and link it to measures of curiosity. Here, we asked people to report their curiosity about the intrinsically engaging perceptual ‘puzzles’ known as Mooney images, and to report on the strength of their aha experience upon revealing the solution image (curiosity relief). We also asked our (...)
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    Intuition and judgment in Descartes' theory of truth.Frederick P. Van de Pitte - 1988 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 (3):453-470.
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    Nietzsche en het westerse denken: de bekoring van het naturalisme: met een exposé over Schopenhauer.Jozef van de Wiele - 1976 - Leuven: Acco.
  16. Engaged Scholarship: A Guide for Organizational and Social Research.Andrew H. Van de Ven - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    A guide for organizational and social research in business studies and the social sciences, providing a clear framework for research design and methodology. It will be an invaluable tool for academics, researchers, and graduate students across the social sciences concerned with rigorous and relevant research in the contemporary world.
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    Pooling Modalities and Pointwise Intersection: Axiomatization and Decidability.Frederik Van De Putte & Dominik Klein - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (1):47-93.
    We establish completeness and the finite model property for logics featuring the pooling modalities that were introduced in Van De Putte and Klein. The definition of our canonical models combines standard techniques with a so-called “puzzle piece construction”, which we first illustrate informally. After that, we apply it to the weakest classical logics with pooling modalities and investigate the technique’s potential for the axiomatization of stronger logics, obtained by imposing well-known frame conditions on the models.
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    Philosophy and Engineering: An Emerging Agenda.Ibo van de Poel & David E. Goldberg (eds.) - 2009 - Springer.
    Deals with such questions as: What is engineering? In what respect does engineering differ from science? What ethical problems does engineering raise? By what ethical principles are engineers guided? How do engineers themselves conceive of their profession? What do they see as the main philosophical challenges confronting them in the 21st century?
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    The ethos of business students.Jelle van Baardewijk & Gjalt de Graaf - 2020 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (2):188-201.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 188-201, April 2021.
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  20. De visuele dynamiek van het sublieme.Renée van de Vall - 1993 - In Maarten van Nierop, Renée van de Vall & Albert van der Schoot (eds.), Mooie dingen: over de esthetica van het object. Meppel: Boom Koninklijke Uitgevers.
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    Is there a phenomenological method?M. M. Van de Pitte - 1977 - Metaphilosophy 8 (1):21–35.
  22.  57
    Two drawings of the fêtes at binche for Charles V and Philip (II) 1549.Albert Van de Put - 1939 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 3 (1/2):49-55.
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    The legal system between order and disorder.Michel van de Kerchove - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by François Ost.
    How have legal philosophers systemized law, and what types of assumptions have they made in undertaking this task? In what sense is law a system, and how is it maintained as such? This translation of a French book answers these two core inter-related questions by surveying and analyzing the theories of a number of important European legal philosophers as well as offering its own distinct theory for viewing the law as a system.
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    They don't represent us? Synecdochal representation and the politics of occupy movements.Mathijs van de Sande - 2020 - Constellations 27 (3):397-411.
  25. De metafysica en het godsprobleem.J. van de Wiele - 1994 - In M. Moors, Jan van der Veken & Jozef van de Wiele (eds.), Naar Leeuweriken grijpen: Leuvense opstellen over metafysica. Leuven: Universitaire Pers.
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    Prenatal Screening: Current Practice, New Developments, Ethical Challenges.Antina de Jong, Idit Maya & Jan M. M. van Lith - 2015 - Bioethics 29 (1):1-8.
    Prenatal screening pathways, as nowadays offered in most Western countries consist of similar tests. First, a risk‐assessment test for major aneuploides is offered to pregnant women. In case of an increased risk, invasive diagnostic tests, entailing a miscarriage risk, are offered. For decades, only conventional karyotyping was used for final diagnosis. Moreover, several foetal ultrasound scans are offered to detect major congenital anomalies, but the same scans also provide relevant information for optimal support of the pregnancy and the delivery.Recent developments (...)
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  27. Adaptive logics: a parametric approach.Frederik Van De Putte & Christian Straßer - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (6):905--932.
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    Precise minds in uncertain worlds: Predictive coding in autism.Sander Van de Cruys, Kris Evers, Ruth Van der Hallen, Lien Van Eylen, Bart Boets, Lee de-Wit & Johan Wagemans - 2014 - Psychological Review 121 (4):649-675.
  29. Friedrich Nietzsche. De lof van het leven en de waan van de waarheid.Jozef Van de Wiele & Sylvain de Bleeckere - 1983 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 45 (2):320-321.
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    Politieke vrijheid: De republikeinse kritiek Van de liberale opvatting Van vrijheid.André Van de Putte - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (4):627-656.
    The debate following Berlin's famous lecture Two Concepts of Liberty circled around the opposition between negative and positive liberty. Berlin delivered his lecture during the period of the Cold War. Therefore it not only provoked a very technical debate within analytic philosophy on the concept of liberty but also contained an important butdebatable political message: those who endorse positive liberty should be conscious of the fact that the logic of positive liberty leads, if not necessarily at least easily to despotism, (...)
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    Judging Organization: A Plea for Transcendental Logic in Philosophy of Biology.Gertrudis Van de Vijver & Levi Haeck - 2023 - In Matteo Mossio (ed.), Organization in Biology. Springer. pp. 59-84.
    Even if the concept of organization is increasingly recognized as crucially important to (philosophy of) biology, the fear of thereby collapsing into vitalism, understood as the metaphysical thesis that “life” involves special principles irreducible to (and that perhaps even run counter to) the principles governing the physical order, has persisted. In trying to overcome this tension, Georges CanguilhemCanguilhem, G. endorsed an attitudinal form of vitalism. This “attitudinal stance” (a term coined by Charles Wolfe) shifts the issue of organization away from (...)
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    Le problème de la vérité ontologique dans la philosophie de saint Thomas.Jozef Van de Wiele - 1954 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 52 (36):521-571.
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    Les structures fondamentales de la vie cognitive. Contribution à une anthropologie philosophique.Jozef Van de Wiele - 1966 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 64 (81):96-129.
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    Semantic differences between strong and weak verb forms in Dutch.Freek Van de Velde & Isabeau De Smet - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (3):393-416.
    Dutch, like other Germanic languages, disposes of two strategies to express past tense: the strong inflection (e.g., rijden – reed ‘drive – drove’) and the weak inflection (spelen – speelde ‘play – played’). This distinction is for the most part lexically determined in that each verb occurs in one of the two inflections. Diachronically the system is in flux though, with the resilience of some verbs being mainly driven by frequency. Synchronically this might result in variable verbs (e.g., schuilen – (...)
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  35. Embedding Values in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems.Ibo van de Poel - 2020 - Minds and Machines 30 (3):385-409.
    Organizations such as the EU High-Level Expert Group on AI and the IEEE have recently formulated ethical principles and (moral) values that should be adhered to in the design and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI). These include respect for autonomy, non-maleficence, fairness, transparency, explainability, and accountability. But how can we ensure and verify that an AI system actually respects these values? To help answer this question, I propose an account for determining when an AI system can be said to embody (...)
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    BeatWalk: Personalized Music-Based Gait Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease.Valérie Cochen De Cock, Dobromir Dotov, Loic Damm, Sandy Lacombe, Petra Ihalainen, Marie Christine Picot, Florence Galtier, Cindy Lebrun, Aurélie Giordano, Valérie Driss, Christian Geny, Ainara Garzo, Erik Hernandez, Edith Van Dyck, Marc Leman, Rudi Villing, Benoit G. Bardy & Simone Dalla Bella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Taking regular walks when living with Parkinson’s disease has beneficial effects on movement and quality of life. Yet, patients usually show reduced physical activity compared to healthy older adults. Using auditory stimulation such as music can facilitate walking but patients vary significantly in their response. An individualized approach adapting musical tempo to patients’ gait cadence, and capitalizing on these individual differences, is likely to provide a rewarding experience, increasing motivation for walk-in PD. We aim to evaluate the observance, safety, tolerance, (...)
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  37. Design for sustainability.Ibo van de Poel - 2017 - In David M. Kaplan (ed.), Philosophy, technology, and the environment. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
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  38. An Ethical Framework for Evaluating Experimental Technology.Ibo van de Poel - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (3):667-686.
    How are we to appraise new technological developments that may bring revolutionary social changes? Currently this is often done by trying to predict or anticipate social consequences and to use these as a basis for moral and regulatory appraisal. Such an approach can, however, not deal with the uncertainties and unknowns that are inherent in social changes induced by technological development. An alternative approach is proposed that conceives of the introduction of new technologies into society as a social experiment. An (...)
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    (2 other versions)Theory of knowledge for the IB Diploma.Richard van de Lagemaat - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This comprehensive and accessible book is designed for use by students following the Theory of Knowledge course in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. The book is also useful for students following other critical thinking courses. The fundamental question in Theory of Knowledge is 'How do you know? In exploring this question, the author encourages critical thinking across a range of subject areas and helps students to ask relevant questions, use language with care and precision, support ideas with evidence, argue (...)
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    How to Weigh Values in Value Sensitive Design: A Best Worst Method Approach for the Case of Smart Metering.Geerten van de Kaa, Jafar Rezaei, Behnam Taebi, Ibo van de Poel & Abhilash Kizhakenath - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):475-494.
    Proactively including the ethical and societal issues of new technologies could have a positive effect on their acceptance. These issues could be captured in terms of values. In the literature, the values stakeholders deem important for the development of technology have often been identified. However, the relative ranking of these values in relation to each other have not been studied often. The best worst method is proposed as a possible method to determine the weights of values, hence it is used (...)
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    Helden en goden van Sumer: Een keuze uit de heroïsche en mythologische dichtkunst van het Oude MesopotamiëHelden en goden van Sumer: Een keuze uit de heroische en mythologische dichtkunst van het Oude Mesopotamie.Marc van de Mieroop & Herman Vanstiphout - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (1):168.
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    Sferen en globalisering. Ethische aspecten Van sloterdijks bijdrage aan het globaliseringsdebat.Bert van de Ven - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (3):479-507.
    This article discusses the ethical dimension of Sloterdijk's spherology and its contribution to the current debate on globalization. It is shown that Sloterdijk already developed the core of his ethics in his earlier works. The central distinction here is the ontological difference between the intimate stay of the fetus in its mother's womb and the ominous outside of the world. From its birth onwards the infant has to develop new intimate spheres to make life bearable and to expand into the (...)
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  43. Het strichten van de waarheid.Lambert van de Water - 1970 - Antwerpen,: Uitgeverij De Nederlandsche Boekh..
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    Paternalism and Subsequent Consent.Donald Van De Veer - 1979 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):631 - 642.
    Some philosophers believe that appeals to promoting or maximizing good consequences are a suspect way of attempting to justify coercive interference with another person's actions. Suppose that is true. If there is a presumption that individuals have a right not to be coercively interfered with, then, foregoing utilitarian type appeals, it would seem that the only way to justify coercive interference of a paternalistic sort would be to show that under certain conditions the presumption fails.
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  45. (1 other version)Ethics, Technology, and Engineering: an Introduction.Ibo van de Poel - 2011 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Lambèr M. M. Royakkers.
    Featuring a unique systematic approach to dealing with ethical problems known as the 'ethical cycle, ' the book utilizes an abundance of real-life case studies ...
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    (1 other version)Ii-2 Ordinis Secundi Tomus Secundus: Adagiorum Chilias Prima, Centuriae Vi-X.M. L. Van Poll-van de Lisdonk & M. Cytowska (eds.) - 1997 - Brill.
    The second volume of the Adagia of the Amsterdam edition of the Latin texts of Erasmus gives an introduction in German and a critical edition of the Latin text of the second half of the first thousand Adages.
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    Vi-8 Ordinis Sexti Tomus Octavus.M. L. Van Poll-van de Lisdonk (ed.) - 1969 - Brill.
    Part Four of the Amsterdam edition of the Latin text of Erasmus’ Annotations to the New Testament presents his notes on St. Paul’s letters to the Corinthians.
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  48. Pointwise Intersection in Neighbourhood Modal Logic.Frederik van De Putte & Dominik Klein - 2018 - In Guram Bezhanishvili, Giovanna D'Agostino, George Metcalfe & Thomas Studer (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 12. College Publications. pp. 591-610.
    We study the logic of neighbourhood models with pointwise intersection, as a means to characterize multi-modal logics. Pointwise intersection takes us from a set of neighbourhood sets Ni (one for each member i of a set G used to interpret the modality □) to a new neighbourhood set NG, which in turn allows us to interpret the operator □G Here, X is in the neighbourhood for G if and only if X equals the intersection of some Y {Yi | Yi (...)
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    The political implications of state neutrality as a range concept.Ben Van de Wall - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    The idea that the state ought to be neutral towards different conceptions of the good life has been an influential principle in liberal theory since the 1970s. It has, however, been subject to criticism by communitarians, multiculturalists and liberal perfectionists. Recently, Peter Balint has attempted to defend state neutrality against its liberal critics as the adequate interpretation of the liberal project by redefining it as a range concept. By arguing that neutrality always occurs within a specific range of permissible conceptions (...)
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    De plaats van heimwee.Jasper Van de Vijver - 2020 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 60 (3):24-33.
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